Monday, May 31, 2010

“You need special shoes for hiking – and a bit of a special soul as well.” — Emme Woodhull-Bäche

 Adam leading Kyle in Rock Climbing for the first time!
Kyle rock climbing
Phoebe graduated from Kindergarten! 
A beautiful view from our hike on Saturday!
We found someone on the trail..So we got a picture together:-)
Kyle and I climbed some rocks, but I had to get a picture of his "I'm the king of the world!" pose.
Our wonderful Coloradian friends:-)
Matt and Mary Kay ran the Bolder Boulder- a 10k!

Kyle and I had an action packed Memorial Day weekend.  On Thursday, Kyle went Rock climbing with his friends Adam and Landon. Kyle said it was so much fun and he wants to do it again! On Friday, Kyle's parents came in from Indiana. They are getting ready for a big bike ride- in which I will talk more about in a blog I will post tomorrow! We went over to visit his parents and had dinner with them, Matt and Julie, and the girls.  On Saturday, I started off my day with a massage and it was wonderful! It was so nice to be pampered. After the massage, Kyle and I decided to go on a hike. It was so much fun and the views were breath taking.  We got a ton of really neat pictures. I absolutely loved it! Afterwords, Kyle and I went to downtown Denver and walked around for a bit. We grabbed a couple of appetizers and then decided to head back to the apartment, where Adam and Yvonne, and Mista and Landon were going to meet us. We decided to have a game night. Of course, the girls won:-) On Sunday morning, Kyle and I went to a new church. We found one that we really liked, which we are very happy about.  Then we headed to the Farmers Market. This is one of our favorite things to do on the weekend- Kyle and I really enjoy it! We picked up some food, and then headed over to Matt and Julies for the Indy 500. We cooked out, played some games, and ate a ton of food! Kyle and I left in the early afternoon and then later that night Adam and Yvonne, and Mista and Landon came over again. We love it when they all can come over. Game nights are so much fun. We played some more Taboo- and yet again, the girls won:-). Sadly, this was Adam's last night with us for awhile. He is going to Plymouth for the summer to help his dad with some work. We are sure going to miss him and can't wait till he is back.   On Memorial Day, Kyle and I went to the Bolder Boulder. There were 54,000 runners. It was by far the most people I have ever seen participate in a race! The runners were all dressed up and having so much fun- it was hilarious. Afterwards, we ate at one of my favorite places- Watercourse. Then Kyle and I went to a couple of stores and went around town all afternoon. We ended our weekend at Matt and Julies house, hanging out with the kids and his parents. Tomorrow his parents leave to head back to Indiana...on their bikes! Not motorcycle bikes- actual bicycles! We are so excited for them and the adventure ahead. Tomorrow I will write more about their adventure and post some pictures of them starting off. So stay tuned:-) All our Love- Kyle and Sarrah

Monday, May 24, 2010

Cookouts & Good times with Family and Friends

Baby Lyla at the park

 The Crawfords!  

 Kyle and I, Mindy, Adam and Lyla, and Adam and Yvonne

Sylvie and Phoebe

Silly faces!

 Phoebe having fun with Adam and Yvonne

Phoebe took a picture of all the adults. Yvonne and Adam, Matt and Julie, and Kyle and I.

We had so much fun this weekend! Our good friends The Crawford's came to visit. We were so excited to see them (especially Lyla, since we haven't seen them in over a year)!  On Saturday, we had a big cookout at Cheeseman Park.  We had a ton of food and fun games to play.  We also had a great crowd- Adam and Yvonne, Mista and Landon, The Crawford's and Kyle and I. We hung out at the park all day! We are so lucky to have an apartment two blocks from such an awesome area to hang out with friends.  On Sunday we had an awesome breakfast at "Crepes and Crepes" (Thanks to Yvonne for recommending it to us).  It was so delicious. Then sadly, The Crawford's left to head home to Durango. Later that day, Adam and Yvonne went with Kyle and I to a cook out at  Matt and Julies.  Yet again, the food was amazing- we had some great black bean burgers, guac, potatoes, veggies and fruit. Yvonne and I played washers and were undefeated the whole night. The kids had a great time making smores and playing "Hide and Seek". It was such a fun, relaxing weekend.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Our Move to Denver...

Packing up the truck! We could not believe how much stuff we had! 

Kyle- Right before we took off. It was raining like crazy!

Our apartment building. It's a beautiful  building built in 1929. It's highlighted by beautiful vintage features.

Spray painting the desk we made for the office.

To start off our trip, it was storming on the day we left! Luckily, we had packed up everything the night before.  We left around 11 a.m. and decided to drive all the way to Kearney, Nebraska. We ended up getting there at about 11:30 at night. We were so thankful for a break from the truck! The next morning, we left at about 9 a.m. We were so excited because we knew we only had about a 5 hour ride ahead of us.  It happened to be extremely windy that day so the ride to Denver that day was pretty rough, but we made it. Kyle and I were thrilled when we pulled up to the apartment. I was going crazy to go in and look at it, since Kyle had picked it out and I had never seen it in person yet. It's a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment with a great kitchen and living space. It is double what my old apartment was. Plus, it comes with a washer and dryer in it (which is so nice, after having to spend $3 dollars every time I wanted to wash clothes in college)! The apartment is highlighted by a ton of vintage features- the windows, the bathrooms, and the original hardwood floors are fabulous. Kyle did a great job picking everything out. I will post pictures of the apartment as soon as we finish all the decorating. For now, we are almost done unpacking with just some little stuff to do. We had a ton of help unpacking the truck- Adam, Matt, and Landyn. Julie brought us all some pizza that night. We are so thankful to have all of them here with us. My brother and his family came over later that night too. It was a fun first night at the apartment. The rest of this week we have been busy setting up the apartment.  Kyle has been really busy between work, softball games, and helping unpack. I also had an interview for a summer position at a Montessori School and I got the job! I start on Monday. Some other good news is that we have some special visitors this weekend- The Crawfords! We can not wait to see them:-)

Monday, May 17, 2010



This past weekend, I had my graduation and graduation party. I was so happy to have some of my family come and watch the ceremony (which was over 2 hours)!  They are huge a part of all the success that I have had in my years at Purdue. After graduation, we went to Eric and Mel's house for the party and where the rest of the family was waiting for us to arrive.  We had a ton of food, drinks, and cake! I even recieved some great gifts that I can not wait to use this school year. And on Thursday it was Jack's birthday and Saturday it was Eric's birthday, so we celebrated their birthday's later on that night.
 It was so hard to say goodbye to everyone. Kyle and I will miss everyone so much, but we are looking forward to the visits and starting our life together.  A big thank you goes out to all the people who helped with the cooking, preparing, cleaning, decorating, etc, this weekend. And a special thank you to Kyle, who planned and organized the party. He did such a great job.
Well, our next post will come straight from Denver! We spent the whole day on Sunday packing up. We are all ready to go now. Stay tuned...I'm sure our moving experience will be something worth reading about :-)